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8. Silver lining

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Return to July 2020 Update

Length:1 min read; 264 words

Note: The following paragraphs summarize the category of Silver lining observed in July. More information about the specific category from July (and previous months) can be found in the downloaded report(s).The number in square brackets (e.g., [150]) refers to a reference where the reader can find more information about a specific statement.  The references can be found in the References list below, Systematized References page or in the downloaded report.

The talks about silver lining have again decreased 15% in July from the June levels (5.1% vs. 6%); following substantial decrease in June from May and April. As we see the drop in silver lining discussions, we can also observe substantial continuous increase in industry taking this crisis as business opportunity. Digital technology developers and service providers are still leading in this effort. “Never waste a good crisis.” (Winston Churchill) Here we highlight one statement about the possibility of bipartisan energy infrastructure stimulus bill in the US by Sasha Mackler and Arun Majumdar: “But Republicans and Democrats must also invest in advanced information technology infrastructure that can monitor these (energy) efficiency achievements. The data collected should be shared and analyzed for further advancements and to reduce investment risk. Performance-based standards for buildings can be an important driver; and a silver lining is the fact limited use of many buildings during the pandemic is an ideal time for these upgrades.” [186]

Previous June Category Summary


[186] D. Gilliland, “A bipartisan energy infrastructure bill is still possible,” TheHill, Jul. 14, 2020. (accessed Jul. 29, 2020).