Flexibility in Building Design
Research Team

Our Motivation:
“Our research will explore if buildings can be designed cleverly to deal with multiple future scenarios that occur during their typical life. Building adaptation can increase the expected value of buildings, extend their life, and reduce their negative environmental impact.”

Research Contribution
Develop a catalog with the “flexibility” features that would allow future changes in a building
Develop an evaluation method that considers the economics of pursuing different design strategies: from a “fixed” design to incorporating “flexibility”

Practical Problem
Designers encounter difficulties in explaining the benefits and disadvantages of having a flexible building and showing potential cost savings to their clients.
Although cost represents an important decision factor for owners, there are no strategies to evaluate the financial effects of including flexibility features in a building and choose between different alternatives.

A framework that can guide:
Designers to incorporate flexibility features during the design phase
Owners to make decisions based on the economics before implementing their next projects

Added Value For The Industry
In the short-term, this research would help to evaluate whether and how to include flexibility in a specific project.
In the long-term, it could change the traditional approach to design and how owners select their preferred design.

Date |
Activity |
Outcome |
Year 2022 |
Research became awarded: Flexibility in Building Design |
Summer 2022 |
Literature review |
Fall 2022 |
Determined case study with BoKlok |
Winter 2022/23 |
Started working on the case-study |
If you want to participate in the project please reach out to Giulia Scagliotti.