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Membership Benefits

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Membership Benefit
Annual Fee$125,000$60,000+$35,000$15,000$12,000
Research Collaboration     
Participation in CIFE Seed Research ProjectsYesYesYesYesYes
Visiting Scholars at CIFE1 Year3 MonthNoNoNo
Guidance of CIFE's Focus     
Membership on Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)1 - 3 People1 - 3 People1 - 3 PeopleNo1 - 3 People
Membership on Industry Advisory Board (IAB)1 Person1 Person1 PersonNo1 Person
Participation in CIFE Events     
Summer ProgramMember rateMember rateMember rateMember rateMember rate
CIFE Conferences & WorkshopsMember rateMember rateMember rateMember rateMember rate
Interactions with CIFE Community     
Joint Student-Member Learning ExperiencesYesYesYesNoYes
Facilitated Recruiting of StudentsYesYesYesYesYes
Annual Visit from Faculty or Staff MemberYesYesYesNoIf possible

(*)Associate Members cover at least the cost of a Visiting Scholar quarter ($25,000), but can elect to make a membership contribution up to $125,000 at which point they would become a Collaborator.