Construction Robotics Class (CEE 327)
We are actively seeking CIFE members and robot starts ups to join the course in spring 2023. If you are interested please reach out to
Cynthia Brosque or Heyaojing Huang
Construction Robotics Class (CEE 327) sessions contrast the development of construction robots with manufacturing robots and showcase the application of construction robots to at least ten tasks, such as drilling, painting, layout, bricklaying, etc., and introduce the Robotics Evaluation Framework (REF). The small-group class project carried out with industry partners applies the REF to analyze the feasibility of robotic construction in terms of Product, Organization, and Process (POP), and to compare the Safety, Quality, Schedule, and Cost (SQSC) performance of robotic and traditional construction methods.
Learn more about the benefits and usage scenarios of construction robots:
Report: Obayashi Automated Crane
Report: Scaled Robotics