Graduation Ceremony of the Workforce VDC Program 2022
Last Saturday, the graduation ceremony for the Workforce VDC program was held on the Stanford campus.
The participants were construction workers from 17 companies affiliated with the roofing and waterproofing union.
The program was launched in 2021 by Palo Alto Data Group and CIFE as a project-based program aimed at educating construction tradespeople from Union signatory companies in VDC concepts. It does teach the workforce in a PBL (project-based learning) on-the-job environment.
After this program, participants will have reinforced their current skills and learned through PBL a general idea of VDC concepts, organizational roles to the concepts, and objectives achievable through the concepts.
Over the past six months, 15 teams, consisting of the leader and the crew, have developed their own project-based Virtual Design & Construction solutions with coaching from local industry and academic mentors.
The Workforce VDC program reaches its pinnacle with the celebration on the Stanford University campus. Part of this celebration was the "Integration Experience" where all 15 teams presented the results they have worked out in the last 6 months.
We are happy to announce that this year we graduated 99 participants with VDC certificates.
We look forward to continuing this program and involving more unions.