Participation in CIFE Events
Summer Program (Autumn Quarter): The program is open to all and offers an in-depth exposure to CIFE research from the participating faculty and students and to leading practices from the industry practitioners. The program is a mixture of lectures, workshops, industry presentations, and group participation by attendees. Although the pace is intense, there are also opportunities for networking and discussions with other attendees. The CIFE membership contribution includes a certain number of prepaid participant days according to the level of membership (see Membership Benefit; the only cost for the prepaid participants is $100 per day to cover the administrative costs and cost of meals). CIFE Affiliates can register additional participants at affiliate rates as posted in the registration information for the summer program.
Industrialized Construction Forum (Winter Quarter): This program is usually offered during the winter and is open to all. It features speakers regarding the current trends in industry and research on the expanding arena for industrialized construction. CIFE affiliate members are offered affiliate rates posted in the registration information for a conference.
CIFE Conferences & Workshops: Occasionally, CIFE hosts special conferences, seminars, and workshops (often with the encouragement or in cooperation with its affiliates). Speakers from industry, Stanford, and other academic institutions who are working on CIFE-related research are invited to make presentations on theoretical and practical aspects of the particular conference topic. These conferences are open to all. CIFE affiliate members are offered affiliate rates posted in the registration information for a conference.